价 格
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产品特性:品质一年 | 是否进口:否 | 产地:欧美 |
加工定制:否 | 品牌:GE/通用电气 | 型号:IC693PWR322F |
工作电压:标准VV | 输出频率:标准kHz | 系列:PLC |
物料编码:6662 |
随着我国电力工业的迅速发展,火电厂的装机容量和单机容量都日益增大,热工保护系统的规模也大幅度上升,对热工保护系统的控制方式、运行水平的要求也越来越高热工保护的主要作用是当机组在启停和运行过程中发生危及设备和人身安全的故障时,自动采取保护或联锁措施,防止事故产生和避免事故扩大,从而***机组的正常启停和安全运行。热工保护是通过对设备工作状态和机组运行参数的严密监视,发生异常情况时,及时发出报警信号,必要时自动启动或切除某些设备或系统,使机组维持原负荷运行或减负荷运行。当发生重大故障而危及机组设备时,停止机组(或某一部分)运行,避免事故进一步扩大。 发电机组的性对本机、对电网乃至对国民经济来说都极为重要,因此,保护控制系统的,对保障机组的安全稳定运行显得十分关键。保护装置在机组正常运行时是长期不动作的,而一旦出现异常情况却要求必须可靠的立即动作,因此对于热工保护装置应有必要的监视和试验手段,以确保热工保护装置本身动作的正确和可靠。 机组运行的,不仅依赖于各设备的性能,而且同各类保护控制装置的准确性和可靠性密切相关。电厂原有热工保护装置较落后且投运时间较长,保护系统由继电器组成控制回路,回路硬接线多,加上继电器长期带电工作,继电器触点易老化,导致接触不良,易产生拒动或误动的情况。大修期间需对继电器进行测试,以确保继电器工作正常,大大增加了热工人员的维护工作量。而且随着运行时间的越来越长,故障点相应增多,维护工作量越来越大,严重影响着机组的安全运行,因此亟待进行改造。
以下是我们公司的优势品牌,仅供参考,还有其他品牌没一列出, 只要您有需要查找的都可以发给我,这边会及时回复您。
[美国,英维思Invensys FOXBORO IA系统,Triconex ESD系统]
[美国AB ..1756系列,1785系列, 1746系列,1747系列,1771系列]
[瑞士ABB..机器人DSQC系列,ABB Advant OCS,ABB Procontic PLC CPU】
[德国 MOORE,S5,S7,6DD等]
[美国Westinghouse (西屋) : OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件]
[德国Bosch Rexroth (博世力士乐) : Indramat, I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。]
[美国Motorola (摩托罗拉) : MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列]
SEIT allows you to navigate throughout the facility or your warehouse, without having to commit any of your resources on infrastructure. SEIT’s navigation requires no physical markers, such as, magnets, beacons, wires or tapes. This means, there will be no interruption to your operation and no physical changes to your facility. Furthermore, the lack of fixed infrastructure not only provides an initial savings, but also signifies a reduction in future infrastructure costs as these tooling and equipment undergo wear and tear, or might be replaced all together if the production lines change.
Precise, is one of the many words that we can use to describe SEIT. But perhaps, it is one of the most crucial ones since manufacturing requires exact precision. SEIT can provide this level of precision, following your commands and execute them on time, repeatedly and consistently, saving you to worry from possible downtime and the costs come with it.
SEIT is compatible with recent international safety standards. Furthermore, SEIT’s proactive sensing capabilities not only prevents accidents, but they also benefit the users in terms of reduced accidents and injuries as well as less compensation in these regards.
SEIT allows you to reduce transportation related wastes, or in other words, non-value adding operations. Through reorganizing the movement on the production and manufacturing site, it guarantees an efficient and consistent delivery of materials – which in turn, presents you the option to redistribute your workforce within value-creating roles if desired.
SEIT is designed to withstand heavy loads, undertake most arduous tasks and work under harsh environmental conditions. Capable of carrying loads up to 500 kg, SEIT is built with industry standard components that are highly durable and reduce maintenance costs drastically.