产品特性:原装质保 | 是否进口:否 | 产地:欧美 |
加工定制:否 | 品牌:ABB | 型号:PDD405 |
工作电压:标准VV | 输出频率:标准kHz | 产品认证:标准 |
系列:模块 | 物料编码:20559952 | 订货号:3BHE041626R0101 |
The PDD405 software system of DCs can usually provide users with quite rich functional software modules and functional software packages. The control engineer uses the configuration software provided by DCs to properly "assemble and connect" (i.e. configure) various functional software to generate various application software that meet the requirements of the control system.
The software of the field control unit mainly includes software modules such as data inspection, control algorithm, control output and network communication centered on the real-time database.The real-time database plays the role of the central link, where data sharing is carried out. Each executive code exchanges data with it to store the information of field collected data, control output, intermediate results of some calculations and control algorithm structure. The data inspection module is used to realize the collection of field data and fault signals, and realize the necessary auxiliary functions such as digital filtering, unit transformation, compensation operation and so on. The control function of DCS is generated through configuration. Different systems need different control algorithm modules. Usually, the following modules are involved: arithmetic operation module, logic operation module, PID control module, variant PID module, manual and automatic switching module, nonlinear processing module, actuator control module, etc. The control output module mainly realizes the output of control signal for fault treatment.
The PDD405 operation station in DCS is used to complete the tasks of system development, generation, test and operation, which requires the support of corresponding system software, including operating system, programming language and various tool software. A set of perfect DCS application software running on the operation station shall be able to realize the following functions: real-time database, network management, historical database management, graphic management, historical data trend management, database detailed display and modification, record report generation and printing, man-machine interface control, control loop adjustment, parameter list, serial communication and various configurations.The development process of DCS mainly adopts the system configuration software to generate various application software according to the actual needs of the control system. The functions of configuration software include basic configuration and application software configuration. Basic configuration is to give the system a configuration information, such as the number of various stations of the system, their index marks, the maximum number of points of each control station, the shortest execution cycle and memory capacity. The configuration of application software includes rich contents, mainly including the following aspects.
FCP270 |
FCP270 P0917YZ |
FSA80 |
GHW-12Z |
HP 5517B |
IC697CPM790-GD |
IC698CPE030 |
IC698CPE040-FJ |
KSM01.2B-071C-35N-M1-HP0-SE-NN-D7-NN-FW |
KUC75***E105 |
KUC75***E106 |
KUC75***E117 |
MAX-4/11/03/128/99/1/1/00 |
MDD065D-N-040-N2L-095PB1 |
MS-NAE5510-3 |
3NC154.60-2 |
OPT***NIC 6300 |
PFCL201C 10KN |
PFSA140 3BSE006503R1 |
PFSK151 |
PFTL101B 2.0KN |
PFTL101A 0.5KN |
PFTL201C 10KN |
PI3381 |
PM511V16 |
PM864A |
PM866 |
PM866AK01 |
PM866AK02 |
PM866K01 |