价 格
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产品特性:品质一年 | 是否进口:否 | 产地:欧美 |
加工定制:否 | 品牌:NI | 型号:CFP-AO-210 |
工作电压:标准VV | 输出频率:标准kHz | 系列:NI |
物料编码:3258 | 订货号:GJV3074376R1 |
NI CFP-AO-210采集数据卡件模拟量型号多 品质信赖保障
使用MXI-3,台式计算机上的CPU可以透明地设置和控制PXI/CompactPCI模块。在BIOS和操作系统看来,PXI模块就像插在PC上的PCI板卡一样。MXI-3和PXI机箱合起来是扩展系统I/O的一个选择。从结构上说,MXI-3是一个PCI到PCI的桥(PCI-PCI bridge)。一块PCI MXI-3板卡插在台式计算机上,并与插在PXI机箱控制器槽内的PXI MXI-3模块通过电缆相连,实现通信。
什么是工业计算机(Industrial PC)典型的工业计算机(工控机)是装在一个坚固机盒内的单板计算机与PCI背板,遵循PICMG规范。如同台式计算机,它们可以运行标准的操作系统。测量板卡插置在PCI槽中。PCI槽位的数量取决于计算机生产商。但重要的一点是工业计算机的槽位和PCI-PCI桥之比低于PXI机箱。这一点之所以重要是因为PCI-PCI桥会导致的带宽损耗。另外,维护工业计算机也比维护PXI系统困难。首先,要从测试机柜上取下计算机,如果连接电缆不够长,那就必须先将它们拔下。如同台式计算机一样,在触及PCI槽及更换卡件之前,要将外部的机箱盖打开。在平时,机箱盖用于防止灰尘和随便触及CPU,非常重要。
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[德国Bosch Rexroth (博世力士乐) : Indramat, I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。]
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The virtualization of the server helps bring forth the segregation of the hardware application and the hardware itself.However,before the realization of storage virtualization,it is impossible to separate the data storage from the storage device.The stabilization of various operation systems depends not on that of the hardware server,but on that of the storage device.This paper explores the selection and optimization of the storage system in the virtualization platform.In addition,it analyzes the features of different storage methods in the platform.Finally,it puts forward some suggestions on the selection and optimization of the storage system in the virtualization platform.The present invention is directed to a method and system for optimally mapping a general set of resources to a specific integrated circuit design. In an exemplary aspect of the present invention, a method for optimally mapping a general set of resources to a specific integrated circuit design may include the following steps. Sets of transistors are first abstracted into abstracted resources. The abstracted resources may include a transformative resource, a coordinating resource, and a state management resource, and the like. Then, a sea-of-platforms is utilized for unifying a flexible and malleable collection of the abstracted resources in such a way as to optimize the abstracted resources for a specific integrated circuit design. Broken symmetry may be used to optimize the abstracted resources for the specific integrated circuit design. The broken symmetry may be in at least one of a physical-dimensional space, a temporal space and a code space.