价 格
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产品特性:品质一年 | 是否进口:否 | 产地:欧美 |
加工定制:否 | 品牌:NI | 型号:CFP-CB-1 |
工作电压:标准VV | 输出频率:标准kHz | 系列:NI |
物料编码:3258 |
CFP-CB-1数据采集卡件CPU系统运用工控行业 价格库存优惠 建议提前备件
后,PXI机箱通常在背板上只有很少的电路,这样当任何电路需要更换的时候维护都非常简单。工业计算机有两种设计。种是使用主动背板,即计算机主板是背板的一部分。这种情况下如果主板出现问题,整个计算机都要更换。种设计是使用被动背板,上面只有PCI-PCI桥。这种设计中要用到单板计算机(SBC)。SBC插入背板中一个类似PCI接口的接触端。这种设计显然比嵌入式PXI控制器更容易振动和颤震。 PXI规范对冷却具有严格的要求。低限度,外设模块也要冷却到和工业计算机同一等级。PXI必须带有强制冷却装置,产生特定方向的气流,以均匀冷却所有模块。而大多数工业计算机使用的冷却装置由一到两个风扇构成,通常无法均匀冷却主板与外设板卡。均衡的冷却可以延长模块或板卡的使用寿命,从而降低系统寿命内的平均维护成本。后,所有的PXI设备都经过测试,清楚标明工作和存放时的正常温度。因此,用户可以对所开发的系统更加了解,并知道是否需要做额外的测量,以***系统在适当的环境下工作。 PXI平台有专为简化维护的设计。所有的模块和接线端
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[美国,英维思Invensys FOXBORO IA系统,Triconex ESD系统]
[美国AB ..1756系列,1785系列, 1746系列,1747系列,1771系列]
[瑞士ABB..机器人DSQC系列,ABB Advant OCS,ABB Procontic PLC CPU】
[德国 MOORE,S5,S7,6DD等]
[美国Westinghouse (西屋) : OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件]
[德国Bosch Rexroth (博世力士乐) : Indramat, I/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。]
[美国Motorola (摩托罗拉) : MVME 162、MVME 167、MVME1772、MVME177等系列
A system of modeling an integrated circuit is described in which a circuit component model 6 is operated upon by a delay calculator 16 using a subset of associated timing and rule data 20 . The delay calculator 16 calculates signal transition delays within the circuit component model 6 . The output of the delay calculator 16 is searched to identify corresponding signal transitions within the original model 4 . Matching transitions are then updated with the calculated delay information augmented with the full set of associated timing and rule data 23 (with constraint data).
Switching transients in digital MOS circuits can perturb analog circuits integrated on the same die by means of coupling through the substrate. This paper describes an experimental technique for observing the effects of such substrate noise. Various approaches to reducing substrate crosstalk (the use of physical separation of analog and digital circuits, guard rings, and a low-inductance substrate bias) are evaluated experimentally for a CMOS technology with a substrate comprised of an epitaxial layer grown on a heavily doped bulk wafer. Observations indicate that reducing the inductance in the substrate bias is more effective than either physical separation or guard rings in minimizing substrate crosstalk between analog and digital circuits fabricated on epitaxial substrates. To enhance understanding of the experimental results, two-dimensional device simulations are used to show how crosstalk propagates via the heavily doped bulk. Device simulations are also used to predict the nature of substrate crosstalk in CMOS technologies integrated in uniform, lightly doped bulk substrates, showing that in such cases the substrate noise is highly dependent on layout geometry. Finally, a method of including substrate effects in SPICE simulations for circuits fabricated on epitaxial, heavily doped substrates has been developed using a single-node substrate model.