产品特性:一年品质 | 是否进口:否 | 产地:欧美 |
加工定制:否 | 品牌:ABB | 型号:DSDP140B |
工作电压:标准VV | 输出频率:标准kHz | 产品认证:原厂家标准 |
系列:ABB | 物料编码:1500 | 订货号:57160001-ACX |
We specialize in turnkey solutions as well as custom-made hardware and software and offer image processing systems in a wide range of products. This includes 2D measurement technology, 3D measurement technology, label inspection (OCR and OCV), position detection, surface inspection and completeness checks. We also use deep learning for complex inspection tasks. Our technologies can drastically reduce costs, ensure quality, and guarantee the traceability of products. The investment pays for itself after a very short time. They also help to identify rejects in production in good time and thus keep the use of resources low.
DSDP140B通过通讯模板DSCS131B把剪子启动信号、剪刃运动位置等控制参数通讯给DCV700系统来控制电机,电机轴上有一个增量型编码器用于剪刃位置反馈。控制系统通过定位模板DSDP140B检测电机位置编码器的实际值, 一块计数模板DSDP150与DSDP140B板相连,用于启动剪刃。定位模板DSDP140B把作用时间送到数字量输入模板DSDI110参与控制。PLC通过元素POSR_H1(读定位模板 DSDP140B)来读取编码器所检测的剪子实际位置,而后通过POSW_H1(写定位模板DSDP140B)形成数据库与传动通讯,如果现场检测元件检测到钢材时,通过操作站所设定的速度基准来进行长度积分,如果长度达到所设定的长度时、启动START_H1(启动脉冲计数模板DSDP150),进行分段剪切控制。分段剪切控制 轧制中的棒材分段剪切过程,是通过分段剪前的一系列检测元件(光电管)检测到信号后,触发程序内部的棒材轧制速度计算、棒材分离判断棒材长度积分器等功能。控制系统以末架机架的速度设定值为速度基准是进行棒材长度积分,当积分长度等于倍尺长度设定值LSETP时,发送信号至START-H1启动倍尺剪,进行分段剪切;同时剪切信号启动积分元素的START2,进行下一段的长度积分,剪切过程循环置棒材轧制结束。 2.3.1 棒材轧制速度计算 BZ检测到运行中的帮材头部信号后启动修正长度积分器,积分器以末架轧机的设定速度Vsp进行长度积分;当BC检测到棒材头部时读取积分器内的长度值Line1。Line1和BZ与BC之间的实际距离Lset1进行比较得出速度系数K1,并对K1进行高/低限比较(0.9—1.1),如果K1超出这个范围,系统产生速度偏差报警。在连续轧制过程中对K1进行十次加权求平均值运算来确定轧制过程中的实际速度偏差系数Ksp。用于倍尺长度计算的速度值为: Lsp=Vsp*Ksp
A major trend is the use of artificial intelligence (AI), or more precisely machine learning or deep learning technologies. Technical progress over the past ten years has made it possible to develop powerful computers, large data memories and high-performance software that significantly expand the scope of application of AI in image processing. Production plants will become more efficient and reliable with the help of AI, and in the long run the factory of the future will optimize itself. With senswork having experience in machine vision, automation and AI we are able to offer turnkey AI solutions for manufacturing quality insurance.
ABB 订货号3BHE041465P201 型号UDD406A |
ABB 订货号3BHE025335R1121 型号PDD20***1121 |
ABB 订货号3BHE028761R0101 型号GDC806A0101 |
ABB 订货号3BHE037649R0101 型号PDD500A101 |
ABB 订货号3BHE036342R0101 型号XDD501A101 |
ABB 订货号3BHE044481R0101 型号PPE091A101 |
ABB 订货号2UBA002322R0001 型号GDD471A001 |
ABB 订货号3BHE019958R0101 型号UAD206A101 |
ABB 订货号3BHE019633R0101 型号PDD200A101 |
ABB 订货号3BHE042393R0101 型号UNS0122A-P |
ABB 订货号3BSE028588R1 型号DO880-1 |
ABB 订货号3BHE024642R0101 型号GCD207B101 |
ABB 订货号3BHE024577R0101 型号PPC907BE |
ABB 订货号3BHE039203R0101/5SXE12-0184 型号GVC736CE101 |
ABB 订货号3BHE029154P3 REV.G/3BHE029153R0101 型号UNS0119A-P,V101 |
ABB 订货号3BHE020356R0101/3BHE020357P201 ANED.:D 型号GFD212A |